
New: European Summer Course for Chamber Music

The 2021 edition marks the start of the European Summer Course for Chamber Music (ESC for short).

Partly thanks to two generous funds, the Elisabeth Strouven Fund and the Wealtheon Fund, the Orlando Festival has created the opportunity for 20 to 40 young musicians in permanent ensembles to follow this special and extensive summer course. In addition to lessons in teamwork, they are offered various workshops.

With the arrival of the ESC, the former masterclass of the Orlando Festival is transformed into a ten-day extensive range of lessons, concerts and workshops. ESC brings together the most talented young musicians aged from 18 to 32 in chamber music, where a shared interest in European heritage and a continuous pursuit of excellence are important preconditions for participation, thus enhancing the awareness and quality of European chamber music practice and to interest and inspire subsequent generations of musicians and audience. Goals are to increase knowledge and experience in various aspects of music practice. This includes both musical themes, in the form of HIP (historically informed performance) with regard to the principles of contemporary performance practice, as well as useful techniques, such as efficient rehearsal methods, knowledge of learning paths and dealing with physical and mental stress. All this in the form of master classes and workshops. The following topics are discussed in the masterclasses: score treatment, methods of approach, form analysis and harmonic insight, critical reading of Urtext editions, score reading, choice of tempo, use of metronome, tuning and intonation, analysis of different levels of the voice tissue , Unity of style, uniformity (or not).

During the workshops the participants work on mutual communication, improvisation, voice development for instrumentalists and the development of inner hearing, posture correction, the application of the achievements of kinesiology and the use of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to reduce stage fright. Yoga and Qi Gong sessions are also organised, specially tailored to musicians. The offering of these workshops stems from the belief that the introductions and floors will lead to a more fully-fledged profile of the young chamber musicians.

The afternoon concerts of the Orlando Festival edition in August 2021 will mainly be performed by ESC ensembles, often in the form of public masterclasses.

Read more about the ESC


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