
Carolien Arends

Teacher, 11 – 21 August 2022

Carolien Arends studied violin at the conservatories of Groningen and Den Haag. During 37 years she was active on stage (as chamber musician in several theatre productions of distinguished Dutch theatre companies, as member of the Dutch Ballet Orchestra) and as educator. 

Carolien has focussed more and more on methods for release of tension, both mentally and physically, as counterweight for all the tensions that are inherent in music life. 

During decennia she practised intensive several yoga techniques, Qi Gong and Shiatsu, as well as other massage techniques. 

During her stay in North America she became interested in the synthesis of new insights relating to mental and physical blockages, as offered by EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). Carolien studied during a year in Calgary (Canada) at a certified institution with Jeanine Crombé, who herself received her training in the U.S.A. from Gary Craig, founder of EFT. After her return to The Netherlands she concluded her studies at the Novet Institute. During several years Carolien applied EFT in her sessions with young performing musicians, in which stage fright and fear of memory loss on stage were treated with success. 

In 2019 Carolien presented at the Orlando Festivalbefore breakfasta daily half hour session of Qi Gong, which is her main field of interest these days.  

For Orlando 2021 she selected a number of exercises in combination with breathing exercises, which are particularly beneficial for musicians, to loosen body and muscles.  

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