
Regina Dohmen

Teacher, 11 – 21 August 2022

After graduating from the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz, Cologne, and the Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf, Regina Dohmen worked for more than 20 years as a singing and voice teacher with the choirs at the Cologne Cathedral. She trained young soloists-boys, girls and young male voices- and supervised the performances in the cathedral, at the opera and at concerts.
She also gave lessons and was responsible for her daughter Anna Lucia Richter (mezzo-soprano), and her son Lukas (boy soloist, now double bassist at Bavarian Radio Munich) as young vocal soloists until the beginning of their studies.
Her major interest lies in combining the areas of voice, body and movement. To this purpose she studied for many years with Kurt Widmer (Professor Schola Cantorum, Basel), taking part in master classes and individual lessons.

She owes a great enrichment of this field, which goes beyond the determination of a specific dance, movement or music styles, to the work with the Israeli dancer, choreographer and movement teacher, Amos Hetz.
In 2014 she completed her studies at the Lichtenberger® Institut für angewandte Stimmphysiologie (Lichtenberger® Institute for Applied Voice Physiology) near Darmstadt. For the past three years, she has been affiliated to it, teaching small groups as well as individuals. She now works in her studio in Cologne with individual students, small groups and ensembles.

Regina Dohmen pursues questions about the inner experience of sound. We only long for music that really touches and moves us. Touch is a physical sensation that can be experienced consciously – both the touch of a movement and one that is caused by sound vibration.
An intensified awareness of this can lead to a greater coherence of the individual, an increasing ease of music making and a healthy relief of social contacts within the ensemble.


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